All good things must end

After years of jerking around valiantly defending against an unjust lawsuit, the soon-to-be-former owner of 1414 King Street, the curious doings of which have been discussed on FWIW most recently here, and here, is about to be dispossessed and — who knows? — perhaps removed to Frogmore Cottage. This foreclosure was initiated on October 23, 2013, and the defendant, acting without the benefit of clergy or barrister, has managed to stay in the house, still paying nothing on his loan, for almost another ten full years; in fact, given his success so far, he might make it to next October, just for the fun of it.

The first order of judgment and foreclosure by sale was issued in 2015: since then, the defendant has filed appeals in federal court (dismissed), our state’s Appellate and Supreme Courts (all were also dismissed), U.S. Bankruptcy Court (same result), and literally dozens and dozens of motions to reopen defaults, objections to the judge’s halitosis, and complaints about the weather. Hey — it worked, and there’s no law that says a man can’t protect his home; if trained lawyers can’t navigate the court system, that’s on them, not the defendant here. Or, at least there’s a valid argument to be made for that position. Don’t like how our crazy foreclosure process works in Connecticut? Then write your representative.

But now, apparently, the run may be ending: on the assumption that some rando vandal doesn’t come by and rip down the auction notice, forcing a postponement, your chance to grab this property is supposed to be coming up on April 15th.

Don’t hold your breath.

Docket Number:FST-CV13-6020232-S

ADDRESS:1414 King Street, Greenwich  Pursuant to a judgment of the Superior Court for the Judicial District of Stamford in U.S. BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, AS TRUSTEE FOR THE v. O'HARA, FRANCIS, A/K/A FRANCIS G. O'HARA Et Al Docket No. FST-CV13-6020232-S the property named above will be sold, subject to court approval, at public auction on Saturday, April 15, 2023 at 12:00 PM on the premises.

Anyone who wants to participate in the bidding, except the foreclosing plaintiff, must register with the Committee prior to the auction and present for the Committee’s examination a certified or bank check made payable to the bidder in the amount of $145,000.00

Qualified bidders will be issued numbers, and bidding will be conducted and recorded by those numbers. The Committee must collect all deposit checks from bidders when bidders register to bid. The successful bidder will be required to endorse the check to the Clerk of the Superior Court at the conclusion of the auction.

A report of the results of this auction will be submitted promptly to the Court for approval. The successful bidder must be prepared to pay the balance of the purchase price within thirty (30) days after the approval of the sale. The deposit may be ordered forfeited if the successful bidder fails to complete the transaction within the thirty-day period.

The property is being sold "as is," subject to no contingencies whatsoever. The Committee makes no warranties, either express or implied, concerning the property’s condition, and no adjustments will be made for any defects that may be discovered after this date. The Committee makes no representations of any kind as to the environmental condition of the property. All bids are to be based on the bidder’s own information and knowledge of the property, learned through his or her own efforts, and not on any representation or comments made by the Committee.

The property is being sold free and clear of the lien(s) being foreclosed, and of all interests subsequent in right to that lien.

The property is being sold subject to:

  1. All taxes due the municipality not foreclosed by this action,

  2. Water and sewer use charges not foreclosed by this action,

  3. All building and zoning regulations of the municipality which affect this property,

  4. All building lines, easements, restrictions and all other matters concerning this property which appear of record,

  5. The rights of any person in possession or occupancy of the property who have not been made parties to this foreclosure action,

  6. The right of the United States of America to redeem the property, if applicable under Federal law,

  7. Any other liens on this property which have not been foreclosed by this action.

  8. Further description of the property and further terms of the sale may be obtained from the Committee or from the court file.

    NORWALK CT 06850
    PHONE: 2038450371