Old Greenwich Rehab


346 Sound Beach Avenue is new to the market today and asking $3.995 million. This builder paid $1.675 for it last August in a bidding war that started at $1.495. He took the 1900 house, expanded it from 3,078 sq. ft. to 4,582, and redid pretty much everything, including adding central air, which is gaining popularity here now that Global Warming has pushed our average summer temperature from 48° to 101°. There’s still no garage, but the days of bicycle thieves coming over from Stamford and looting our homes are long gone, and almost no one still steals lawnmowers — for that matter, almost no one in Greenwich even has a lawnmower anymore, they expect their menials to bring their own.

Four million dollars? Meh — why not? What else is out there right now?


does this chimney look a little unsure of itself? asking for a friend.