We'll have to hope they don't bring that city's meth-crazed bums with them

breaking news from the pigeon co-op

San Francisco’s “sustainable” apparel company Allbirds is alighting on the Avenue

Allbirds, a purveyor of shoes and apparel, has announced its plans to open its first store in Greenwich in May.

As a certified B Corp, Allbirds is dedicated to making the most sustainable products possible, using premium natural materials.

“We are very excited about opening in Connecticut. It’s been on our wish list for some time now, and we think it will be a perfect community for us to join,” Lee Price, Allbirds’ director of global communications said in a statement. “We already have a lot of customers in the area through our website.”

Prince said the company expects the local store will “amplify” existing customers’ Allbirds experience, and referred to Greenwich’s growing population who commute into New York [ah, no. No, that’s not a group that’’s growing —CF] where the company already has a strong presence.

Yeah, well maybe. A better word for “sustainable” shoes might be “Crocks”. Besides, from what I have seen in Greenwich houses during years of touring open houses, the buyers of these shoes, hemp panties, and recycled tire rubber bras will buy a dozen of each of them in different colors, drive them home in their coal-powered Teslas, and add them to their already existing 1,000-shoe box, 400 clothing hanger closet inventories; will that really save the world?

Color me skeptical..