I wouldn't know a Mugrabi from a Mugwump, but good

oh boo hoo

Judge orders “Socialite” Libbie Mugrabi to pay $1.8 million in unpaid rent case.

Mugrabi, 43, must pay the pricey judgment to the owner of a ritzy $28,800-a-month East 82nd Street pad that she lived in and allegedly stopped paying rent and utilities on during the pandemic, according to two lawsuits against her.

Manhattan Supreme Court Justice Debra James granted landlord 320 East 82nd Owner, LLC’s request for a $1,815,238 judgment against Mugrabi – which includes 9% interest and taxes, according to court papers made public Wednesday.

At a hearing in February, the landlord’s lawyer Todd Rose claimed that Mugrabi finally moved out of the condo in November — the day before she was due to be evicted. Neither Mugrabi nor a lawyer for her was present at that video hearing.

But Mugrabi claimed to The Post Wednesday that she didn’t know about the judgment and that she moved out of the apartment three years ago relocating to the Hamptons. She said the judgment “seems insane.”

Rose also claimed during the February hearing that “Mugrabi didn’t pay rent for so long that my client almost foreclosed on his mortgage, almost losing his building.”

Rose argued that despite the fact that Mugrabi won millions in a divorce settlement from art scion David Mugrabi, she filed a hardship application during the pandemic.

[She fired or was fired by seven different lawyers during that divorce — FWIW]

“This is a fraud upon the system,” Rose said at the time.

Mugrabi said Wednesday that she applied for hardship because her ex-husband stopped paying the bills.

And besides:

Mugrabi claims she left the keys with the doorman when she relocated to the Hamptons and “assumed” the landlord knew she had vacated the apartment.

Oh. The Hamptons.

Multiply this thief’s actions by the millions, and the cost of the 3-year eviction moratorium during the Great Panic was horrendous.

So, curious, I looked up who this lady is. Not much.

December 8, 2022:

Libbie Mugrabi Pleads Not Guilty of Attacking Housekeeper

Libbie Mugrabi, ex-wife of billionaire art collector David Mugrabi, pleaded not guilty to charges of menacing, criminal mischief, and criminal possession of a weapon in the Southampton Town Justice Court earlier this week, according to reporting by Page Six.

The charges stem from an altercation between Mugrabi and her maid. In late July, her housekeeper confronted Mugrabi about her missing wages. Allegedly, the discussion ended with Mugrabi breaking the housekeeper’s phone and evicting the housekeeper by threatening her with a mop handle and a knife.

Meanwhile, Mugrabi is facing other financial straits. A judge issued an eviction warrant in October and $158,000 in owed rent, according to the Real Deal. Mugrabi’s landlord claims that Mugrabi in fact owes $1.5 million more in unpaid rent. During the pandemic, Mugrabi filed a declaration of financial hardship that protected her from eviction under the pandemic’s eviction moratorium.

Since 2021, however, the situation has changed. The eviction moratorium expired, and Mugrabi’s divorce was settled, leaving her with $100 million and a few priceless artworks. Mugrabi now claims that she owes her landlord nothing and will in fact be suing him for emotional damages against her and her children.

Now we know how that turned out.