I wonder how his brand manager got through to the royal Dunderhead and made him understand this?

d’uh …

The man formerly known as Prince will be going to watch his father crowned king after all, and his brand managers exhale.

Harry and Meghan's commercial status is at a turning point in America, say Hollywood insiders – who warn that the couple's celebrity status is starting to wilt.

Prince Harry's belated announcement that he is coming to his father's Coronation next month was warmly welcomed in Los Angeles – not least because the Sussexes' currency depends on him still being seen as an active member of the Royal Family.

'Harry is going back for all the right reasons but there was a palpable sigh of relief among those of us involved in the business because Brand Sussex relies on Harry being seen with his family,' a Netflix source said. 

At the end of the day it is all about proximity to the King.'

The persistence with which the despicable couple has clung to the idea that they have some sort of significance apart from Harry’s now-sundered ties to the Royal Circus has been astonishing. Apparently, someone has managed to rid him of this delusion, giving the brand a life extension of at least another couple of months.