It's not just Western Civilization they seek to destroy, they want to kill all humanity

“A New York Times Bestseller” — says it all

Global Warmists set their sights on rice — the food crop that keeps half the world alive.

It’s methane, today, but everywhere, around the globe, the Destroyers are at work, eliminating cheap energy from developed and undeveloped countries alike, banning fertilizers in Europe, Sri Lanka, and Africa, and preventing the growing of grains like salt-tolerant wheat that would allow farmers to continue to produce the crop even as the sea level laps over Al Gore’s oceanfront gardens. Do Gore and his co-conspirators actually believe that the future of the Third World and its impoverished masses depends on stopping global warming? They might believe it — who knows? But they certainly don’t care about the well-being or even the survival of those faceless hordes.

(Just) one example of this indifference to the world’s poor is Golden Rice, a crop specifically designed to provide Vitamin A in the diets of the impoverished people who rely on rice as their staple. Last year, 22 years after it was first developed, the “environmentalists” were finally defeated in the Philippines, and farmers were allowed to grow it. Twenty-two years.

Vitamin A deficiency is a major health problem in many areas of the Philippines as well as in other Southern countries. It causes children in particular to go blind, suffer cognitive impairments and die of a weak immune system. Globally, several hundred million children are at risk of these deficiency-related diseases.

Many other countries, such as Bangladesh, Indonesia, Vietnam, India and China, have therefore followed suit with the Philippines and have made considerable progress in introducing the vitamin-A-enriched rice.

Delayed and deferred

Golden Rice was controversial from the start. Its use was blocked, deferred and held up for years. Environmental groups fought tooth and nail against this and other genetically modified plants. Governments, too, refused to approve the cultivation of Golden Rice. Twenty-two years have passed between its development and large-scale cultivation.

Now almost 89 years old, [its developer] Potrykus is delighted that Golden Rice has finally been planted on a large scale: "I'm very relieved to finally see cultivation commence after so many years of production delays," he says. That science beat ideology gives him great satisfaction. "But I'm also very upset that the delays caused further suffering among millions of children."

When these people say they want you dead, believe them.