Oh, well done, good and faithful servant!

Carpe kept going: “These kids are so excited about their new spiritual identity that they devote every moment to studying the Bible. But sometimes, they lack the focus, in those cases the school nurse prescribes distraction blockers to help complete the transformation. Don’t tell mom and dad tho.”

And then again:

“One of my fondest memories from last year was when Taleb made his transformation from Islam to Christ. To celebrate his new identity we had a pizza party with his new favorite topping, Canadian bacon. Sometimes, I buy him a hotdog at lunch, since he can’t have them at home.”

And then, on Monday, he went even farther:

“I DO NOT INDOCTRINATE OR GROOM THEM. They come to me with questions about their spiritual identity and I help them understand the transformation taking place in their heart. When they are ready, I give them priestly robes to wear, we do the baptism, and they take communion.”

Personally, I might have employed a trace more subtlety in a jape like this, but in the World of Perpetual Fury, the targets are oblivious to sarcastic irony, and will come roaring out of their holes to confront the enemy and self-destruct without a moment of reflection or rational thought. Pavlov, meet Karen.

“One down-the-line Leftist activist with “#WearAMask, #Vaccinate, #MyBodyMyChoice” in her Twitter bio tweeted: “Holy crap! This teacher is baptizing kids in her classroom sink, ‘as long as they don’t tell their parents’!” Another fumed at Carpe: “Shut up you lying turd. Separation of church and state exists because of people like you who brainwash and abuse children. You shouldn’t have your job and you should lose your children if you have any.” Others tagged the ACLU, trying to get Carpe fired from his alleged job, and far-Left Star Trek actor George Takei, trying to make Carpe the focus of a more general cancellation.”

(Here’s a larger picture of Mr. Jessie Mack — I’m not sure he can have children, either)