Just like renaming the worst street in a slum Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard

goodbye girl

It accomplishes precisely nothing to alleviate whatever condition is being complained about, but makes politicians look good to their dupes.

NY State Democrats turn their attention away from the trivial and address “the fierce urgency of now” and ban Injun mascots

…. The Albany Times-Union reported Tuesday that “the New York Board of Regents has officially banned all uses of images and names for school mascots related to indigenous people.” At this late date in the wokeification of America, there wasn’t even any controversy over this: “The board voted unanimously Tuesday morning, without discussion.”

…. In the Left’s view, you see, people name their sports teams after things they despise. …. The Times-Union noted that some schools that had Native American-related mascots “argued that their use of mascots that referred to indigenous people as warriors or raiders was a term of respect.” However, an “advisory group member said that was clearly not true.” Clearly not true? Really? So the St. Louis Cardinals have contempt for little red birds? The San Diego Padres are mocking Franciscan friars? The Boston Red Sox intend to ridicule the very concept of wearing scarlet hose? The Utah Jazz only dig Beethoven, not Miles Davis? The Miami Dolphins hate charming big fish?

The answer to all those questions and other like them, according to the New York Board of Regents, is apparently yes. The Times-Union quoted an unnamed member of one of these unnamed advisory groups asserting that “what school districts have done… was to stereotype indigenous people, act like they were exterminated, and then suggest that using the stereotyped images and phrases would teach ‘the revering of an exterminated group.’” Oh. Well, that certainly does explain it.

This is Leftist pseudo-reasoning of the most ridiculous kind. This individual is claiming that naming a sports team after Native Americans unfairly stereotyped them, but as what? As courageous, brave, fearless, and noble? How horrible! Then they “act like they were exterminated.” How’s that again? Are the Detroit Lions acting like lions were exterminated? Are the Cleveland Browns telling us that the color brown is no longer available? Are the Dallas Cowboys meaning to imply that cowboys no longer walk the earth?

…. The war against mascots is also completely inconsistent. There are ongoing efforts to force the Minnesota Vikings to change their name because the name “Viking” supposedly glorifies colonialism and white supremacism. But if the “Viking” name glorifies whiteness, why don’t the “Chief” or “Warrior” or “Indian” names glorify Native Americans? The war against mascots is, in other words, simply another Leftist effort to make Americans generally ashamed of their own culture and heritage. A nation that is ashamed won’t have the will to defend itself.

I have no real complaint here I suppose. If the Indians, or the professional race-baiters who make a living off this sort of thing demand that we erase Indians from history well, who really cares? They were essentially finished when Columbus first checked into Philadelphia’s Mayflower Hotel, and the rest was just clean-up. Had they wanted to be remembered, they should have emerged from the stone age before a technologically superior culture showed up. At the very least, they might have tried to invent the wheel, no? That might have helped.

In any event, they’re gone, leaving nothing behind except for some clamshell middens and a few odd street names, and a dwindling population of alcoholics and wife beaters stuck out on the worst land we could find for them. Politicians will do nothing for them nor, like their colleagues in the professional black business, will their self-appointed advocates.

But, by golly, we’ve shown that we care!