If these are the same people who were in charge of the prop guns, it's no wonder that poor woman was shot and killed

Alec Baldwin has resumed shooting (such an unfortunate term) “Rust”, and the news seems focused on him needing six assistants and a stool to get him back in the saddle again.

Fine, whatever — the guy’s always been a stiff, but it looks to me as though he’s mounting on the right side of the horse. I’m no equestrian, but I have ridden a fair number of horses over the years, and I’ve never heard of clambering aboard except from the left — horses, I was warned, go nuts when someone tries it from an unexpected direction.

Maybe not, but that’s what I was taught. Of course, I was also always taught to treat every gun as though it were loaded, always to keep its barrel pointed in a safe direction, and to never put my finger on the trigger until I intended to shoot. So maybe Hollywood rules, and horses, are different.