I'm all for it

SEGREGATION NOW, SEGREGATION TOMORROW, SEGREGATION FOREVER: Bucknell student leaders back segregated housing for black students.

I suggest that universities create separate, walled-off colleges, one for each group of victims, and one reserved for scholars of every race and both sexes. The scholar’s college would emphasize a CRT-free curriculum and free speech, while the grievance schools could offer majors in lesbian ceramics, drama queen dancing and doctorates in 2 + 2 = 5 math, and would feature safe spaces in classrooms, courses, dining halls, and dormitories, with all speech monitored by fellow students and administrative DIE officers. Demonstrations and riots would be restricted to the walled-in confines of each college, and students would not be permitted to assault or shut down speech committed beyond their walls.

I’d send a child to a school like that.