Pending on Lake Avenue

546 Lake Avenue, currently asking $3.990 milion, down a bit from October’s opening price of $4.4, is reported pending. Built in 1903, it’s of a style that I just don’t think is popular enough to save it from the wrecker’s ball — its 2.8 acres in the 2-acre zone make it far more valuable as land than it would be as a massive renovation project. If it is razed, however, I hope that whoever does it finds a home for the incredible interior moldings, mantle pieces and trim, because it would be vandalism in its lowest form to just send them off to a landfill.

The house was owned by the late Donald N. Jonas who, with his late wife Barbara, sold (just) 15 pieces from their art collection and used the $44 million in proceeds to start a philanthropic foundation and fund other charities. I’m impressed.