The triumph of hope over experience

Samuel Johnson used that term to describe a second marriage, but it could apply equally to owners who, in the face of the market’s rejection of one price, raise it, perhaps to punish potential buyers who’d passed on it before.

Whatever the motivation, the owners of 33 Midwood Road have increased its price from $6.950 million to $7.2. They’ve been trying to unload the place since October, 2021, when they started at $8.3, and you’d think that they would continue with their so far unsuccessful price cuts but no, they’re going with the counter-intuitive strategy. I suppose they grew tired of watching the conventional approach fizzle.

It might work, who knows? Midwood is in Deer Park, one of the most desirable locations in Greenwich, and for those who appreciate 1928 homes — a smallish, but passionate section of the market — this one has some great features. It will certainly sell, and for a good price, but the question is, what is that price?

Stay tuned.