I predict we'll be seeing a lot more of this — after we defund the police, who will protect the criminals from angry citizens?

New Mexico store owner sleeping inside his business to prevent crime shoots and kills burglar tunneling through wall.

A would-be burglar tunneling into a smoke shop was shot dead by the store's owner, who had taken to sleeping in the store to prevent break-ins, police said.

… The owner of the store told KOB 4 News that there had been a previous break-in attempt before the store had even officially opened for business.

The owner said he was woken by a strange sound and found that the burglar had tunneled through the wall and began waving a large hammer and a chisel causing the owner to fear for his life, the outlet said. 

According to the owner, he warned the burglar to leave the premises, or he would shoot, but he claimed the burglar walked toward him swinging causing him to open fire. 

The suspected burglar was declared dead when police arrived at the scene.

Police said they are investigating the incident as a "justifiable homicide" and the owner was released after speaking with detectives.