Proving that she's too stupid to even be Vice- President

forever faithful in my heart

Overlooking the fact that he is at least as popular as Trump, and that many Republicans like both men, self-proclaimed presidential candidate Nikki Haley attacks DeSantis and sides with the Orange Man and Disney’s assault on children. She gains nothing from this and in fact has destroyed whatever chances she might have had, however vanishingly small. Trump may apprciate it bcause he loves suck-ups, but he’s just one vote. The Only-Trumpers will be unimpressed — who cares what Haley thinks? — annoyed the Either-Ors, and fatally alienated the Only-DeSantisers. So what, other than her demise, did she gain from this?

The FWIW staff would like to honor her departure:

Bye Ku for Nikki

Desperate woman

Blows the trumpet for love

No VP for her

(Hey, it’s just a minute after 6 AM — give us break — ED)

Red State:

In one of the most tone-deaf, ill-advised attacks I’ve ever seen in politics, Haley decided to side with The Walt Disney Company against Ron DeSantis, urging the woke multi-national corporation to move to South Carolina.

In a short few seconds, Haley managed to personify everything that is wrong with the modern GOP. What an absolutely cowardly move for her to pull that stunt. She had a chance to do what was right and back DeSantis’ play (or at least shut up about it and let him work) while showing Republicans that she can be counted on to deliver in the tough fights. Instead, she sided with a company that openly brags about grooming children and hates normal people with traditional values.

This should have been a lay-up. It should have been an issue all Republicans could come together and agree on. And what did Haley do? The weakest, most self-serving thing imaginable. That she also copied Trump’s silly “sanctimonious” attack against DeSantis only makes it more pathetic. Does this woman have an original bone in her body, or is she truly just a product of over-paid consultants? That’s rhetorical, of course, because we all know the answer to that.

Ask yourself, given what Haley just did, can you trust her to stand up to the deep state? To corporate tyranny? To social media censorship? To foreign threats? I don’t see any evidence she’d do anything but fold at the first order of her donors if she felt it would benefit her personally.

And to be clear, that’s what this is about. Obviously, she thinks if she sucks up to Trump enough and hits DeSantis by siding with Disney, she can secure a vice-presidential nod. It’s a clownish attempt to boost herself after her presidential campaign flopped like a fish out of water. More laughably, it has no real chance of succeeding.