And the freefall continues
/Chicago voters elect the worst of its two mayoral candidates.
The winner is a defund the police advocate and promises massive new taxes on “the rich”, employers, airlines, and securities trading. Chicago was probably doomed anyway, but this will hasten its fate.
Wisconsin Supreme Court election: liberals win control for first time in 15 years
Pre-election, this predicction:
Should Protasiewicz prevail in the April 4 election, Republicans fear a mountain of lawsuits will follow that seek to undo conservative policies and past rulings favoring GOP interests. A liberal-controlled court could agree to repeal former Republican Gov. Scott Walker's signature legislation known as Act 10 that eliminated collective bargaining abilities for most public employees, squelch the state's private-school voucher programs, or adopt new legislative maps that give Democrats more votes on bills.
The national implications of this, perhaps, is that the prior court struck down the use of sidewalk ballot boxes; the new one is expected to overrule that. There’s a reason why Democrats poured millions of dollars into this race.