Wait; aren’t college and professional school degrees also participation trophies now? So they’re racist, too?
/Jill Biden’s invitation to second-place finisher Iowa to the White House sparks race debate.
First lady Jill Biden has sparked a race debate after she said she wants to invite both LSU, who won the NCAA Women's basketball championship, and the defeated Iowa to a reception at the White House, with some questioning whether the offer would have been made if the result was different.
Some have questioned the idea, with the first lady being asked on social media whether the same offer would have been made if the predominantly Black LSU had lost the final.
Speaking on Monday at the Colorado State Capitol in Denver, the first lady praised Iowa's sportsmanship and congratulated both teams on their performances.
She said: "I know we'll have the champions come to the White House; we always do. So, we hope LSU will come.
"But, you know, I'm going to tell Joe I think Iowa should come too, because they played such a good game."
At least 16 different teams competed for that trophy: surely, the second-place finisher “passed” — in fact, why aren’t all the players on all the teams invited — aren’t they all winners? Or should be?
Medical Schools that are Pass Fail 2023 - schoolvanguard.com
Mar 18, 2023The pass/fail grading system is widely adopted in medical schools in the United States. Below is a list of medical schools that are pass-fail; UCLA medical school Harvard Medical SchoolStanford Medical School Baylor Medical School UCSF Medical School Vanderbilt medical school Emory medical school UPenn medical school Tufts medical school
Pass-fail is here to stay in medical schools. And that's a good thing.
The American Medical Student Association passed policy in 2012 stating that it "STRONGLY URGES all medical schools to adopt the use of a strictly pass/fail grading policy during the preclinical years of medical school" to reduce the risk of poor student health and wellness and to promote teamwork and collaboration rather than competition.