Who ya gonna believe, us, or your own lying eyes?

The White House has investigated its debacle in Afghanistan and come to an astonishing conclusion: It’s all Trump’s fault.

Twitchy has more:

As Twitchy reported earlier, Defense Department spokesman John Kirby appeared in the press briefing room Thursday to play up the Biden administration’s finding that the Afghanistan withdrawal disaster was President Donald Trump’s fault; the only reason it looks like President Joe Biden’s screw-up is that he was “severely constrained by conditions” set by Trump. Biden certainly didn’t feel constrained by any of Trump’s executive orders when he took office, but this he couldn’t do anything about.

Kirby did his best Baghdad Bob impression, claiming that “For all this talk of chaos, I just didn’t see it.” He missed the video of Afghan men falling to their deaths after clinging onto landing gear? He missed the suicide bomber who killed 13 American service members? He didn’t see the videos of mothers handing their infant children to Marines guarding the barrier around the airfield?

Kirby wasn’t done yet, though. He did claim it was “ludicrous” that the U.S. left millions of dollars of military hardware in Afghanistan for the Taliban to use. He’s right — it was billions of dollars worth of hardware.

The US abandoned $7 billion of military equipment it had provided the former Afghan government in its battle with Taliban insurgents before it collapsed and its international backers fled, according to a 2021 congressional report obtained by CNN.