It's astonishing how easily (some) women have rolled over for males

Lesbian dating app bans lesbians

Jazz Shaw:

Some stories are simply too good to pass up and this is one of those. I had never heard of the dating app called HER, but it’s apparently been around for at least ten years. It’s a community app exclusively designed for lesbians and is reportedly quite popular in that community, both in the United States and abroad. (No pun intended.) Or at least it used to be “for lesbians.” As of this past week, it’s apparently “for some lesbians.” And those would be the lesbians who are interested in dating men. (Stay with me. This will make something approximating sense in a minute.) As Matt Margolis explains at PJ Media, the CEO of the company has been blasting out instructions for all users of the app in no uncertain terms. If you’re not willing to date “trans women” (i.e. “women with penises” or just dudes), delete the app from your phone.

From sports to business, to the social world, feminists are out, males who claim to be girls are in charge, and women are readily submitting to their master’s voice.

For instance, I heard an ad yesterday touting a new “Voice of Women in Music” channel that had been established because, according to the promoters, women produce only 3% of all the music being recorded today, and a new outlet designed to spotlight only women was needed. I’m skeptical of that statistic, but I was mainly struck by the new channel’s promise to feature only “women and non-binary musicians”. Another niche erased.