Never forget

He did make a point, just not the one he intended

So says David Strom, and he’s absolutely right

The unvaccinated deserve death, a retrospective


The average American just wants the COVID era over. They are willing to forgive if it means they can forget.

This is a huge mistake, and exactly what the Elite wants us to do. COVID was, literally, the best thing to ever happen to the statist totalitarians who have risen to the apex of our cultural, academic, and political elite. Billionaires dramatically increased their wealth, officials their power, media elites consolidated their control over the distribution of information, and academics gained enormous authority over our lives.

All of them are united by one thing: they hate you and want to control everything that matters, including your behavior.

It is an uncomfortable fact that the majority of our fellow Americans either agreed with or at least consented to participate in the totalitarianism that the COVID empowered imposed.

Those of us who still believe that America must remain a free country cannot let COVID fade into the past. We have the opportunity to take our pound of flesh, and we must seize it. We need to persuade those who went along with the COVID tyranny to rethink their allegiance to the Establishment.

One way to do that is to forcefully remind people that it was not the virus that destroyed so much, but the Establishment.

….. Watch that video and absorb the hate directed at those who dissented. Those dissenters were, in almost every respect, factually right. The vaccines were more dangerous than advertised, and we still don’t know how dangerous they will turn out to be. They certainly failed to stop infection and transmission. Multiple studies actually indicated that the vaccinated get COVID more often than the unvaccinated, and it is easy to see that multiple infections are common among the most vaccinated.

How many public officials made videos explaining they got COVID again, and thank God they were vaccinated? It seemed like every week for a while some vaccine promoter came down with COVID.

One of the basic principles of public health, which is enshrined in the documents laying out the ethics, is that public health officials should always be honest, always use informed consent, and never use coercion. None of these principles were followed during COVID because COVID policy was not about public health.

It never was. It was about establishing control, and it worked. Unless we keep fighting now, the exact same thing will happen again, and it could happen very soon. Listen to the messaging from the WHO, the CDC, and others. They are all predicting another pandemic in the near future.

We all know what that means, now that we have gone through it.

…. Ironically, it was not the assault on our own freedoms that made people sit up and take notice. It was the overreach with the public school system. So many children have been so obviously hurt that Americans are at least aware that something terrible went wrong.

Now is the time to strike back. The pandemic may be over, but the tyranny has just begun.