The war on America continues

Biden’s handlers are moving to shut down the Permian Basin, which produces 40% of all U.S. oil and 15% of its natural gas. They have announced their intention to declare the sagebrush lizard an endangered species. “If it saves the life of just one of the little fellas .…”

There’s more on this attack over at RedState:

This White House must get down on their knees and thank whatever Babylonian gods they worship when a weekend holiday rolls around. They can slide the shiv in just that quick and hope no one notices in all the hubbub of fireworks or finding a cubby full of blow in the Big House.

Which is precisely what they did this Friday, right before the weekend stretched out to Fourth of July.

A successful conservation effort between land owners and oil and gas industry types that had been working for eleven years was, for all intents an purposes, summarily spiked by Biden’s U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS).

They’ve proposed a rule to declare the dunes sagebrush lizard “endangered” under the restrictions of the Endangered Species Act (ESA) and it’s too bad, so sad for the oil industry that the little scamps just happen to live all over the Permian basin.

…According to the USFWS, the lizard is a rare species found in West Texas and in southeastern New Mexico, a region known as the Permian Basin.

The USFWS wrote in a statement that the primary threats to the lizard include “loss of habitats associated with oil and gas development, sand mining, and climate change.”

The Permian Basin is an oil-and-gas-producing area located in West Texas and the adjoining area of southeastern New Mexico. The Permian Basin covers an area approximately 250 miles wide and 300 miles long and is composed of more than 7,000 fields (best represented in Railroad Commission of Texas production figures as districts 7C, 08, and 8A) in West Texas. Various producing formations such as the Yates, San Andres, Clear Fork, Spraberry, Wolfcamp, Yeso, Bone Spring, Avalon, Canyon, Morrow, Devonian, and Ellenberger are all part of the Permian Basin, with oil and natural gas production depths ranging from a few hundred feet to five miles below the surface. Other areas within the greater Permian Basin include the Delaware Basin and Midland Basin. The Delaware Basin includes significant development in the Bone Spring and Wolfcamp, together known as the Wolfbone. The Midland Basin includes significant development in the Spraberry and Wolfcamp, together known as the Wolfberry. Recent increased use of enhanced-recovery practices in the Permian Basin has resulted in a substantial impact on U.S. oil production.

If you care to recall, Biden has blamed high oil prices in part on “oil producers who aren’t drilling”. This was never true, of course, but regardless, this latest move exposes his true goal: “There will be no more drilling on federal land under my presidency”.

The charts below show what he’s trying to stop: