Any idiot who agrees to this deserves exactly what he's going to get

Just $39.99? Hell, I’ll donate one to every chump who bites — cheap entertainment.

Portland Maine launches program that will pay homeowners to let illegal aliens stay in vacant rooms.

Leaving aside the taxpayer money that will be spent on this boondoggle, existing laws in most states provide that eviction of someone who initially had permission to stay in a house is a civil, not a criminal matter, meaning that if the tenant refuses to move out he can only be removed pursuant to a judicial order — cops can’t show up and drag the bum out, and if the landlord changes the locks, say, he is guilty of committing a criminal lockout.

So you let in Josephine and six kids, some of whom may actually be her own children, and at the end of their three-month stay that Portland is agreeing to pay for, who ya gonna call when they refuse to leave? Not the police; their hands are tied and they can do nothing. Call a lawyer, and settle in for a 6-month or two-year court battle. And get out your checkbook: Portland won’t be paying your legal fees.

I don’t expect many of the city’s tofu munchers to take advantage of this opportunity; they’re more of the Martha’s Vineyard type: host a community potluck supper for the poor refugees, put cots up in the school gymnasium for a night, and then bus ‘em the hell out of town, but liberalism and mental retardation go together, there might be a couple of suckers who fall for this scam. I’ll keep my popcorn ready and monitor the action from afar.