When experts strike

we’re all gonna burn! (Vi kommer alla att brinna)

56 Years of Climate Codswallop That Never Happened

From acid rain, to overpopulation, to Y2K, to an imminent ice age, doomsayers have made fortunes predicting disasters that never come. We’ll leave out the modern prophets because their followers are so few, compared to the masses whipped up by our media, but they’ve always done well, too.

Follow the link for a healthy catalogue of these filled predictions, but to whet your appetite, Here’s an early pioneer in the genre:

Paul R. Ehrlich wrote in 1967 that, even though it was “already too late,” the world needed to embrace “involuntary birth control” and even spike “staple foods and drinking water” with sterilizing agents lest the population grow to the point that we suffer from worldwide famine, the worst of which would clobber the human race by 1975.

And what would we do without the super-intelligent Vulcans to warn us of our peril?