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Maine, 1911

The Hottest Temperature Ever Recorded In Maine Was An Epic Scorcher

The hottest temperature ever recorded in Maine was 105 °F, a record that was set over a century ago on July 10, 1911. This was not the only occurrence of the temperature in the state, but it is the most recent one. The high temperature was recorded in a village called North Bridgton. The village is within Cumberland County, Maine, an area settled in 1770.

The record-setting temperature occurred during the 1911 Eastern North America Heat Wave. The phenomenon lasted for 11 days from July 4, 1911, until July 15, 1911.

People living in Maine were not accustomed to such potent heat waves . The mass of hot air from the Great Plains overpowered the cool ocean air that usually kept intense heat at bay. Even people living along the coast could not escape the suffocating temperatures.

The heat wave killed an estimated 2,000 people across the New England region, with over 100 people drowning in lakes and rivers as they tried to escape the intense heat. The heat wave also killed hundreds of horses used as a source of transportation during that time.

This paltry record-high is tied for the fourth lowest of any of the states in the U.S. While this temperature is far lower than others in the country, the heat wave  devastated this part of New England.