Make no mistake: they want to destroy the car industry by 2032 — and probably sooner

In the regular Friday afternoon news dump, the Biden Administration has revealed new fuel mileage requirements for gas-powered cars and trucks that will be impossible to meet, and bring car production to an end

The new Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) standards — unveiled Friday by the Department of Transportation's National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) — requires passenger cars and light trucks to improve fuel efficiency 2% and 4%, respectively, beginning in 2027. Under the rules, pickup trucks and work vans must boost fuel efficiency 10% every year starting in 2030.

By 2032, the agency said average U.S. fleet fuel economy could reach 58 miles per gallon. According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the estimated average fuel economy for model year 2022 cars was 26.4 miles per gallon, meaning the proposed standards Friday would mandate automakers more than double fuel efficiency in less than a decade or face substantial penalties.

In March 2022, NHTSA finalized its proposed CAFE standards for model years 2024-2026, mandating an industry-wide fleet average of about 49 miles per gallon by 2026. The agency acknowledged in an accompanying report the standards would cost automakers an estimated $236.5 billion and projected car prices to rise by more than $1,000.

What manufacturer is going to invest billions of dollars researching, developing and, if technological breakthroughs can be achieved, building entirely new manufacturing plants to produce internal combustion engines that will be entirely outlawed in 2035? Not one, and Biden’s handlers are counting on this. There is no possible way to generate enough electricity to power anything close to the number of EVs need to convert the nation’s vehicle fleet — probably ever, but certainly not in nine years — and auto manufacturers unable to sell cars in large quantities will shrink to insignificant operations producing a small number of electric vehicles for the nomenklatura, period.

And this is intended: the objective of our rulers is to get urban peasants out of their cars and onto buses, the elites into Teslas, and the rural rubes travelling from village to village by shanks’ mare, and no further, so they’ll be easy to track and control.


BIDEN’S WAR AGAINST INTERNAL COMBUSTION, CONSUMER CHOICE: You heard about the forthcoming new federal fuel standard of 58 mpg by 2032. And you know it doesn’t take a mechanical engineering degree to realize such a standard will be all but impossible to meet with a fossil-fueled vehicle.

So what’s going on? According to the American Accountability Foundation (AAF), it’s pretty much what has been suspected all along – They hate consumer freedom, so they are moving to force Americans out of their privately-owned gas-powered cars and trucks and into alternative modes of transportation:

“These draconian measures in the name of ‘efficiency’ would effectively make electric vehicles mandatory in this country by forcefully limiting Americans’ options. In the name of fighting climate change, the Biden administration is seeking to bend the American people to their will through government coercion. They don’t trust us to make our own choices, and so have decided to make our choices for us.

This isn’t speculation. We know the plan is to eradicate gas vehicles because we have obtained emails by NHTSA Acting Administrator Ann Carlson revealing a desire to do just that.” Read on.

UPDATE (H/T, DJ); Connecticut moves to ban gas-powered cars, trucks by 2035

“Every decent citizen — by which I mean, people who live in single-family homes with a garage — will have a charger, and while it’s true that those who park their their cars on the streets will be SOL, well, they’ll just have to take advantage of the marvelous mass transit system we’re going to build over the next decade … somehow”, Governor Ned Lamont told FWIW.

“And the cost of charging them is not an issue because, by that time, thanks to our windmills and solar farms, electricity will be cheap and abundant — isn’t that wonderful?

“What about rural areas, you as.? Come on, man, are there any left in CT?, I didn’t now that, but I suppose they can ride their horses, or learn to ride bicycles — we’re talking about literally saving the world from global boiling, and you worry about a handle of rubes in Putnam and Pomfret? Sacrifice must be made.

“Besides you’re just a homophobic, racist, climate denier for even bringing that up, and this interview’s over.”