Saw the headline, immediately thought, "drunk", and the story confirms it.

wisconsin picnic

Not that that is any excuse: in fact, his constituents should toss him out as unfit for office, but if drunken, arrogant behavior were disqualifications for office, the entire elected class would have to be ushered out of Washington. NTTAWWT.

GOP Rep. Derrick Van Orden curses out teenage Senate pages in Capitol rotunda: ‘Wake the f–k up, you little s–ts’

Rep. Derrick Van Orden has reportedly irked his colleagues from the upper chamber after he laid into teenage Senate pages with an expletive-laced tirade as they were resting in the Capitol Rotunda this week.

The Wisconsin Republican called the pages “pieces of s–t” for “defiling the space” shortly after midnight Thursday, according to a page’s transcript of the incident, which was obtained by The Hill.

The pages are typically 16- and 17-year-olds who assist senators, often staying late into the night with them, as they did Wednesday, when the lawmakers hashed out amendments to the National Defense Authorization Act, the outlet reported.

The teens were resting in their usual spot in the rotunda when Van Orden came upon them.

“Wake the f–k up, you little s–ts. … What the f–k are you all doing? Get the f‑-k out of here. You are defiling the space you [pieces of s–t],” Van Orden said, according to the page’s account, written just moments after the altercation.

“Who the f–k are you?” Van Orden asked. When one replied they were Senate pages, he said, “I don’t give a f‑-k who you are, get out.”

“You jackasses, get out,” he added.

Van Orden was allegedly loudly partying with staff before the incident, according to Punchbowl News, which first reported on his tirade.

Reporter Max Cohen posted a photo showing bottles of booze in the pol’s office after the alleged soiree.