This is probably not good news for the state's aerospace and tech industries looking to hire locally

brain teasers

CA approves new, “culturally sensitive” dumbed-down math curriculum

The California Department of Education adopted a new mathematics framework that has sparked controversy for shifting its emphasis to “big ideas” and prioritizing equity over algebra and geometry.

The state Board of Education approved the new, 1,000-page framework July 12 after it underwent three revisions over four years based on public feedback.

The new framework structures math standards around “big ideas” rather than isolated math concepts, according to education board officials.

It also focuses on problem-solving and applying math to everyday scenarios, and prioritizes allowing minority students to “see themselves” represented in curriculum by making math lessons “culturally relevant and empowering.”

One can only applaud California’s educators for making math relevant; algebra, calculus, and advanced physics are of no possible use to the majority of the children entrusted to the Board of Education’s care, whereas addition, subtraction, and division are essential if they are to become successful entrepreneurs. FWIW’s investigative team has discovered a copy of the new curriculum and here are two of the math problems next year’s students will be asked to solve:

  1. Pablo’s father Jose is carrying 55 illegal aliens in a 20’ box truck north from Juarez. The cartel has instructed Jose to deliver 17 to Los Angeles, 31 to Modesto, and the balance to Sonoma County grape growers.

    If 31% of Jose’s passengers suffocate before reaching Los Angeles, and 72% of the survivors die before arriving in Modesto, how many (live) passengers can Jose drop off at Nancy Palino’s St. Helena vineyard on Zinfandel Lane?

  2. Jamal has “borrowed” his mother’s monthly welfare check in the amount of $12,600, and although the money is intended to support Jamal’s 16 siblings, he uses a portion of the funds to purchase two 8 balls of cocaine @$560 each, with the intention of reselling them to his fellow 4th-graders.

    If an 8 ball weighs 3.5 grams, and the normal dose is 110 mg, how many doses must Jamal sell @ $40 to earn a profit of 175% on his investment?

    (Extra credit)

    (a) What if, instead of cocaine, Jamal buys an 8 ball of methamphetamine @$25 per gram?

    (b) If Jamal cuts his cocaine 8 ball with 1 gram of methamphetamine and a gram of fentanyl, for which he paid $16, what will be his total profit?

The children of the Golden State are indeed blessed by the wisdom of their Sacramento guardians.