Riverside sale

16 Crescent Road, $2.430 million — sellers were asking $2.5, but quickly accepted this offer (9 days between listing and contract, but subtract the time required to negotiate and draw up that contract, and I wouldn’t be surprised if the offer was extended and accepted on the same day).

The house was on the market for $2.795 million in May-August 2022 but went nowhere. I don’t know the parties or the agents involved here, and so have no knowledge of the particulars of that history, or the sellers’ motivation, but as a general observation, I’ve seen owners over the years who turned down offers they deemed inadequate, only to eventually sell for an even lower price. Again, I have no reason to think that may have happened here, and mention the phenomenon only as a caution to would-be sellers: think carefully before rejecting an offer, even in a good market.