Cognewaugh Contract

320 Cognewaugh Road, priced at $1.695 million (original February 3 price, $1.795), has a contract. 1947 construction, with kitchen and baths updated since then — possibly. Brother Gideon represented the buyers, and although I haven’t asked, I’m guessing that his clients couldn’t resist the allure of the “historic stone walls” that listing agent Mark Pruner says border the property.

Not many Greenwich residents know of the great Battle of Winslow’s Still, fought here in 1862 when a detachment of Napolean III’s army lost its way on its journey to Mexico and ended up in Cos Cob at Homer Winslow’s farm. The soldiers foolishly attempted to loot Farmer Winslow’s hard cider refinery, and were shot dead by Winslow and his three daughters.

A historic event indeed, but until now, sadly lost in the mists of time. Kudos to Pruner for remembering.