Every Democrat in the country and all of their media flunkies would wholeheartedly agree

David Strom:

At this point, why not bypass the legal niceties and just put Trump in jail?

The Biden Administration has clearly given up on the idea that the federal government exists to do anything but satisfy Joe Biden’s whims.

So why not get it over with? Throw Donald Trump in jail without due process, construct reeducation camps, and rename the FBI the Stasi?

In less than 1 week the administration has shredded the already tattered reputation of the Justice Department.

  • Last Wednesday a US Attorney tried to convince a judge to give what amounted to a plenary pardon to Hunter Biden for all crimes he had committed in the past.

  • On Thursday Donald Trump was indicted yet again.

  • Then Sam Bankman-Fried was let off the hook for funneling $90 million of stolen funds into the pockets of Democrats.

  • Then the Justice Department demanded a judge jail a whistleblower who has revealed that Joe Biden was deeply involved in Hunter Biden’s influence peddling.

  • Then the FBI reveals it contracted illegally with a spyware firm…

  • And on Tuesday Donald Trump got indicted yet again.

As I said, they aren’t even trying to pretend they are anything but corrupt tyrants who are convinced they can get away with anything they want to.

The infuriating thing is that they are right.

If we lived in a free country with a working press there would at least be some outcry. Stories about the corruption would be printed and crusading journalists would be ringing alarm bells about the destruction of democracy.

Actually, on that latter point, they are doing precisely that, only they are blaming the Republicans for not buckling to the inevitable. The current definition of “democracy” is simply complying with anything the Left wants to impose on us.