They're not kidding

pay attention

History is full of examples of would-be dictators setting forth a program for enslavement, manifestos that are ignored or discounted by “rational” people. Examples of these include the Communist Manifesto, Mein Kampf, the Frankfurt School, and The Cloward-Piven Strategy. Each said what the writer(s) goal was, and each was ignored by those who were the targets of those authors. Countless times, that’s proved to be disastrous.

14 American Cities Agree to Go Full-Marxist, End Dairy, Meat, and Cars by 2030

Kevin Downey, Jr:

There is a roster of globalist commie mayors from around the world, united together in a group called C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group. This Marxist dream team has dedicated itself to fulfilling Schwab’s vision of ridding the world of cows and cars, and probably to fulfilling the rest of his Bond villain-like plans, which are even more ghastly. They want you to curtail your air travel. They claim it’s all to save the trees or something like that, but anyone with a few sparking neurons can recognize subjugation when they see it.

What’s worse, 14 American mayors are already on board with this global enslavement.

Here is the list of U.S. Marxist hell-hole mayors who are willing to deny their constituents the taste of meat, dairy for their coffee, and their privately-owned cars by 2030: Seattle, Houston, San Francisco, Los Angeles, New Orleans, New York City, Chicago, Miami, Boston, Austin, Portland, Philadelphia, Phoenix, and Washington, D.C.

…. Driving to get a cheesesteak sandwich isn’t the only fun the globalists are going after. They think your duds have to go, too, because the textile industry is somehow affecting the weather. As you can see on page 82 of the C40 blueprint for control, “The Future of Urban Consumption in a 1.5ºC World,” the mayors of misery believe that, “progressively,” you should be able to purchase only eight articles of clothing per year, and “ambitiously,” only three items.

Page 90 reveals the globalist’s plan to “progressively” reduce your plane travel to one 932-mile trip every two years; “ambitiously,” every three years. Kiss your yearly romp to Vegas goodbye, and smooch grandma adieu as well if she isn’t within biking distance.

… The globocrats have made their intentions clear, and 14 American mayors are happily serving up their constituents to the bolshies. Their deadline is 2030 which, as of this writing, is six years, four months, and nine days away.


The globalist takeover is well underway. Vote like you mean it.

I hold out no hope that the American voter will vote these people out of office next year; in fact, I think the ignorati will vote to make the decline of America permanent and irreversible.

Here’s that C40 link again.

Most of the above-mentioned climate actions – on global, national and local levels – have to take place within the next ten years. Even deeper paradigmatic shifts may be relevant, such as adopting an agnostic approach to economic growth as a primary indicator for development. [Emphasis added]

And lest you think Downey is exaggerating, here are some excerpts from the progressives’ agenda, starting with an attack on building material such as steel, concrete and wood. Straw huts will, presumably, still be allowed.

No meat, no milk:

You will wear rags, and you will be happy.

Peasants will walk, their betters will fly

Just as a for instance, how do these people intend to control and limit the proletariate’s purchase of clothing? Can you say digital currency? Can you say constant monitoring?