And speaking of scholars — should we break the news to him about Jefferson?

The Reverend Al beclowns himself, again

David Strom:

[S]omehow Reverand Al Sharpton has a talent for being an ass in front of millions of people without ever paying a price in credibility. If he were a harridan instead of a charlatan he would be a great addition to The View. Instead, he has to settle for being a well-paid Leftist shill on MSNBC.

Sharpton has been a malevolent figure in American politics for decades, going back to his days promoting antisemitic violence and racist conspiracy theories as a racial grifter in New York. Now he spews his nonsense and hatred for big bucks. Plus his “charity” throws about a million a year at him. Big corporations throw money at him to keep in his good graces:

NAN’s counts many large corporations among its financial supporters including AT&T, Viacom, Walmart, Comcast Corporation, McDonald’s, Coca-Cola, Home Depot, the NBA, Verizon, Macy’s, NASCAR and, Best Buy. 57 Sharpton has used what Peter Flaherty, president of the National Legal and Policy Center in Virginia, a corporate watchdog, said was “quite clearly a shakedown operation” to secure corporate funding for NAN. 58 Between 2003 and 2006, Sharpton threatened boycotts against General Motors, Chrysler, and American Honda. Within a year of each threat, all three companies began to donate to NAN and sponsor the organization’s events. 59

Rev. Al managed to put on display both his venality and his ignorance in one shining moment while commenting on Donald Trump’s 89th or so indictment this week. Watch: