The Democrats' strategy of making the coming election all about Trump and not about issues is succeeding, big time.

At least, that’s what I’m observing. have a (small) circle of liberal friends in southern New Hampshire and Maine who are all Yellow-dog Democrats (they’d vote for a yellow dog who was the party nominee before they’d cast a vote for a Republican). To be fair, I’m a yellow dog Republican, or at least a mongrel — I might vote for an independent, but I would never, ever vote for a Democrat).

That said, although we almost always avoid discussing politics, we occasionally dip our toes in that perilous water, and here’s what I’ve observed: they absolutely don’t care about any issue other than getting Trump, and preferably, imprisoning him. All the revelations showing that Joe “I never talked business with my son” Biden lied repeatedly to the press and the country mean nothing. The White House teaming with social media to silence critics of its COVID policies? They’ve never heard of that, and don’t care, just as they aren’t bothered, if they know about it, by the fact that in 2020, just before the election, 51 of the country’s top intelligence officers conspired to brand Hunter’s emails as fake, Russian disinformation when the FBI had confirmed their authenticity a full year before, in 2019.

The coming destruction of our energy infrastructure? The demolition of our car industry? They know nothing about either, and don’t want to know; it’s Trump, Trump, Trump, just as their masters intend. All of Biden’s policies are disastrous, all are causing or will cause irreparable harm to the country, and that’s why the sheeples’ attention must be drawn away from them. A weakened military, China’s growing hegemony, the deindustrialization of America, and the weaponization of our courts and prosecutors are all planned, and, as planned, the people slumber blissfully on, visions of Trump in chains dancing in their otherwise empty heads.
