A pattern and history of influence peddling stretching back more than twenty years

naked gun

CBS august 28 2008:

MBNA Paid Biden's Son As Biden Backed Bill

A son of Democratic vice presidential candidate Joe Biden was paid an undisclosed amount of money as a consultant by MBNA, the largest employer in Delaware, during the years the senator supported legislation that was promoted by the credit card industry and opposed by consumer groups.

Barack Obama's presidential campaign said Biden helped forge a bipartisan compromise on the measure, which is now law and makes it harder for consumers to obtain bankruptcy protection in the courts.

At the time Hunter Biden was receiving consulting payments from MBNA, he also was a Washington lobbyist at a firm he had co-founded.

"He was not a lobbyist for MBNA, and his work had absolutely nothing to do with the bankruptcy bill. Zero. Nothing," said Wade.

I believe that what Mr. Wade meant to say was that Hunter failed to register as a lobbyist, a practice he continued through the following decades.

In 2006, he was appointed by Congress to the Board of Directors of Amtrak because “he rides the train a lot”.

Biden has used his position on the Amtrak board as justification for his high-dollar board seat on Ukrainian gas company Burisma. In an interview with ABC's Amy Robach that aired Tuesday, Biden said nobody buys the idea that he was unqualified for the Burisma job.

Asked by Robach what his qualifications for the job were, Biden said, "Well, I was vice chairman of the board of Amtrak for five years."

Brand Biden

Biden elsewhere in the interview acknowledges that he would not have gotten either position if not for his father.

"I think that it is impossible for me to be on any of the boards I just mentioned without saying I'm the son of the vice president of the United States," he said. "I don't think that there's a lot of things that would have happened in my life if my last name wasn't Biden."

As an aside, if you were ever tempted to rely on Wikipedia for a neutral source of information, check out its article on Hunter Biden. Unbelievable, except that it’s not.

Here’s a taste:

Biden was a founding board member of BHR Partners,[3] a Chinese investment company, in 2013. He served on the board of Burisma Holdings, one of the largest private natural gas producers in Ukraine, from 2014 until his term expired, in April 2019. Since early 2019, Hunter and his father, Joe Biden, have been the subjects of false allegations of corrupt activities in a Biden–Ukraine conspiracy theory. The accusations concern Hunter Biden's business dealings in Ukraine and Joe Biden's anti-corruption efforts there.[4]

The New York Post published an article in October 2020 about a laptop computer that had belonged to Hunter Biden. The laptop supposedly contained about 129,000 emails and other materials, but the Post provided no evidence of the chain of custody or authenticity of the device. Other media outlets declined to publish the story, because of that lack of provenance.[5] The New York Times and The Washington Post reported in March 2022 that some of the emails found on the computer were authentic.[6][7] Some of the Bidens' detractors have said that the laptop contents exposed corruption by Hunter's father, President Joe Biden, but no evidence of criminal wrongdoing by Joe Biden has been found.[8] Subsequently, The Wall Street Journal reported that Hunter Biden had abandoned his Apple laptop computer in a repair shop in Delaware in 2019,[9] but that files circulating online were "purportedly" from the laptop rather than confirmed to be.[10]

Biden's tax affairs have been under federal criminal investigation since late 2018.[11] On July 26, 2023, Biden pled not guilty to tax charges for filing two years of his tax returns late.[12] This is a reversal of his prior, guilty plea on June 20, 2023.[13] At that time, he had also admitted to "illegally owning a gun while a drug user", because he knowingly denied drug use when applying for a gun purchase permit.[14][15]