Praise Allah and pass the ammunition
/Muslim immigrants express their gratitude to Sweden for opening its borders to “refugees”
Sweden calls up the army to help deal with gang violence. You can guess where those gangs came from.
It’s worth noting that the connection between immigration and the current violence is not a right-wing fever dream. In fact, the figures are quite clear, though the former government and their media allies did their best to rule the question out of bounds.
Among shooting suspects, 85 percent are first- or second-generation immigrants, according to the newspaper Dagens Nyheter, as immigrant neighborhoods have become hotbeds for gang crime. National Police Commissioner Anders Thornberg has described the violence as “an entirely different kind of brutality than we’ve seen before” and his deputy, Mats Löfving, says that 40 criminal clans now operate throughout the country. Spreading fear are “humiliation robberies,” targeting children and youth, in which victims are subjected to degrading treatment by assailants, such as being urinated upon. Just this week, four men were sentenced for robbing, beating and urinating on an 18-year-old, who was also filmed by his tormentors…
When stories started appearing about gang-rule and attacks on people going into immigrant neighborhoods, sometimes referred to as “no-go zones,” a government agency started a PR campaign to rename them “go-go zones.” The government had help from left-leaning Swedish media. In 2015, the editorial page of Dagens Nyheter, for instance, said that people expressing alarm about crime were “safety-deniers,” and compared them to climate deniers. The Social Democratic publication Aftonbladet said in 2017 that the idea that Sweden needed to recruit more police officers was “populism at its worst,” given that “crime is declining”.
Meanwhile, the link between immigration and crime was turned into a taboo topic.
Aftonbladet, for instance, argued that there was no need for authorities to publish statistics on immigrants and crime because the very idea was inherently racist. Then-Prime Minister Stefan Löfven reiterated the same notion when he was asked whether immigration had affected crime levels. “We should act against what is wrong and criminal no matter the background and the cause. I don’t want to link crime to ethnicity,” he said in 2020––as if there were no legitimate questions about how his government’s immigration policy had affected crime.
The effort to hide the evidence that this was an immigrant wave failed and the government which tried to ignore the problem is now gone. Police officials estimate there are about 30,000 gang members nationwide who are contributing to the shootings and bombings. \
One of my closest childhood friends (and 60 years on, he remains close) is Swedish by birth but grew up next door to me in Riverside. Tom would return to Sweden every summer to visit grandparents, and, he told me, during the period of 1968-1972 when America’s race riots were flourishing, he was constantly berated by his Swedish friends for living in a racist, evil country.
After college, in 1979, Tom accepted a two-year job assignment back in the mother country; by that time, Sweden had opened its borders to penniless gypsies, who had flooded in, promptly got on the welfare rolls, and never left. His friends’ reaction to these freeloaders and criminals made, Tom said, the worst Mississippi redneck sound like a Quaker disciple of God. All that was before the Squareheads decided to bring in hordes of Middle Easterners; friends they just had yet to meet — the results have been exactly what any sane person would have predicted, but unfortunately, people of sound mind are as rare in Malmö as they are in Seattle.