Elon Musk saved Twitter and ruined the party for "the Party"

JIM TREACHER: Happy Anniversary to Hunter’s Laptop.

Four years ago today, my Twitter account was instantly suspended for posting the following picture:

That’s Hunter Biden. The photo came from the laptop he abandoned at a Delaware repair shop, less than five miles from his father’s house.

Vladimir Putin didn’t take that snapshot. He didn’t plant the laptop. It belonged to Hunter, who then abandoned it and lost legal custody of it because he’s a drug addict.

And yet when I posted that photo in October 2020, just weeks before the election, my Twitter account was instantly locked down.

I don’t mean within minutes, either. The instant I clicked the button to post that, I was locked out of my account.

Here’s the warning I received:

I had been censored. Lil’ ol’ me!

So I removed the tweet, under duress, to restore access to my account.

As it turned out, I was far from the only one. Anybody who shared any part of that news story — and it is a news story — got instantly locked down by Twitter. You couldn’t even share the URL of the original NY Post story. A complete blackout.

The Democrats wanted Trump out of the White House, and they thought this story would interfere with that. So they locked it down.

Musk’s ending of censorship of politically-inconvenient posts, and, just as important, his introduction of a ”community notes” feature has simultaneously expanded the content of Twitter/X, and prevented some of the worst of the “misinformation” that has the Left so worried — ostensibly — they never had a problem when their people engaged in it.

And those community notes are not used just on far-lefters posted nonsense; a Tweet came across my phone yesterday (I can’t find it now, alas), from someone showing a picture of Chinese warships “surrounding” Taiwan, and warning that war was imminent! That sounded a tad bogus to me, so I checked on X and sure enough, someone had added a community note explaining that, “while deliberately provocative, China does this every year”. It’s nice to have instant corrections and debunkings available on the social media that’s currently shaping our world. Elon <usk made that possible, and that’s why the Left hates him.