It absolutely isn't (UPDATED)

Stephen Green:

Too Soon? Introducing the Lighter Side of Self-Immolation

Welcome to the lighter side of self-immolation, and I don't mean the age-old debate between the classic sturdiness of a Zippo vs. the disposable convenience of a Bic. We're here to enjoy, if that's the correct word [Steve, that is not the correct word —editor] the best of the worst social media reactions to the rather showy protest suicide on Sunday of one Aaron Bushnell, USAF.

He died shouting, "Free Palestine!"

Before you protest that it's indecent, unkind, and even inhumane to make fun of a crazy person who died in one of the worst ways possible, I'm here to tell you that I don't believe for one second that Bushnell was mentally disturbed. He was a committed revolutionary leftist, a vicious antisemite, and he willingly died for what he believed in.

Much more at the link, including some wonderful, heartwarming (so to speak) memes, but here’s how Green wraps it up:

Allow me to finish with a slightly more serious item. 

Remember that no matter how far you go to please our postmodern left — up to and including setting yourself on fire for one of their causes — it is never enough.

UPDATE: Twitchy has more — here’s a good one, with an even better reply: