Consumers won't buy EVs, so today Biden's handlers will be banning gasoline cars (UPDATED)
/New regulations coming out today.
Expected as soon as Wednesday, the Biden EPA "is poised to finalize emissions rules that will effectively require a certain percentage — as much as two-thirds by 2032 — of new cars to be all-electric," according to Inside EVs. Politico sells the expected rule as one that would "tackle the nation’s biggest source of planet-warming pollution and accelerate the transition to electric vehicles."
The rule would require carmakers to cut their average emissions of carbon dioxide by 52% between 2027 and 2032. EPA projects that the standard would push the car industry to ensure that electric cars and light trucks make up about 67% of new vehicles by model year 2032.
Originally set to be announced in April of 2023, but again according to Inside EVs, it "received a strong rebuttal from dealer groups, car manufacturers, and petroleum companies."
"Many said the U.S. was not 'ready' for such an aggressive EV push, as prices remained higher than internal combustion cars on average and the nation's charging infrastructure is rather lacking."
Under the new rules that the EPA is set to announce, that will all change — not by making EVs any cheaper but by imposing such strict emissions requirements on gas and diesel engines that most buyers won't be able to afford a traditional car or light truck in the years after 2027.
This has been coming for a while now, but many of us have been complacent, figuring that Congress or a new president will step in and correct it. David Strom points out why that won’t happen:
“Lest you think that a Biden loss in November would ensure a quick reversal by Trump, the regulatory process makes that much harder than you would think. Biden's strategy is to lock things in so that the voters and consumers will have little choice but to comply with a regulation that only the loony Left believes is a good idea.”
Finishing the rules in the next two months could be critical to insulating them from rollbacks by a potential second Trump administration. Former President Donald Trump has vowed to reverse Biden’s major climate initiatives, directing special ire at what he calls the administration’s “ All Electric Car Lunacy.”
The beauty of this plan, from our overlords’ perspective, is that it renders moot the objections of citizens to their own states’ bans on EVs. Regulators in Maine, for instance, are facing fierce opposition to their plan to end ICE sales by 2032; EVs don’t work in the cold, and people aren’t, and won’t buy them. Car dealers in Maine know that their sales will evaporate when buyers simply go across the border to New Hampshire and buy a vehicle there, and state dealer lobbies are a potent political force. Solution? Ban ICE’s everywhere, so there’s nowhere else for consumers to go, and the dealers will shut up.
UPDATE: Well, he’s done it, and it’s going to be a bloodbath.
Just wait until the deplorables in flyover country discover what this will do to used ICE car and truck prices.