Another Hollywood multi-millionaire calls for the peasants to shiver in the dark over their bowls of lentils

smug idiot

Some clown named Adam MacKay (he was a screenwriter for SNL, thus proving he has no sense of humor, and went on to get rich as a director and producer) has defended the vandalism of Stonehenge in the name of ending the the western world’s use of fossil fuels, and asserts that “if we care about protecting history, monuments, art, culture, sports, and all the other things we love about our society, then we need to get off fossil fuels as quickly as humanly possible.”

The trouble with his appeal is that he and his crowd do NOT care about preserving history, monuments, art or even western culture; in fact, they want to destroy all those things, as they show by their actions, every day.

Why doesn’t he take his fellow celebrities from Hollywood to China, and attack the Great Wall? After that, they can travel west to India and spray paint the Taj Mahal .

The climate scaremongers: Proof that our Net Zero drive is pointless

FOR years BP has published its Annual Review of Energy, with loads of detail about global energy production and consumption trends. This year the job has been taken over by the Energy Institute, but the format is the same.

The latest report shows that emissions of carbon dioxide continued to rise in 2023, hitting another high. This continues the pattern of recent years, interrupted only by the lockdowns in 2020.

 The highlights of the report are:

•    CO2 emissions are up 1.6 per cent year-on-year

•    Fossil fuel consumption is also up, by 1.5 per cent

•    Primary energy consumption up 2 per cent

•    Wind and solar power account for only 6 per cent of total energy, up from 5.3 per cent in 2022

In short, increasing generation from wind and solar is not even keeping up with rising demand. The following three graphs tell the story:

Since 2015, when the Paris Climate Agreement was signed, non-OECD emissions have grown by 18 per cent.

The message is stark. While Western countries are slowly moving away from fossil fuels, the rest of the world have made it clear that they are not concerned about climate change, real or imaginary. Their only priority is to grow their economies and improve the lot of their people. For this they need abundant and cheap energy, something that renewables cannot supply.

It must be painfully apparent, even to the Milibands of the world, that the rich OECD countries are rapidly becoming irrelevant in overall terms. Whatever sacrifices we make, the rest of the world will carry on with business as usual.