Fox News's Jimmy Failla predicted this back in May, when the Democrats set a debate date two months before their convention: "It's an audition"

“Who am I? Why am I here? And who are you?”

Maybe other commentators were saying the same thing, but Failla’s “Fox Across America” is the only talk radio show I listen to, and he said that the Democrats were putting the old man on stage as n audition: if he perform well enough to convince a majority of voters he was capable of serving four more years, fine; if not, there’d be time to replace him.

Yesterday, The Daily Mail confirmed this, to the extent one believes the Daily Mail — I’ll admit I take its reporting with a veritable salt mine, but this seems entirely plausible:

Democrat insiders reveal the President was set up to fail in a 'soft coup'

President Joe Biden was set up in a 'soft coup' to oust him, a top Democratic insider claimed last night.

The 81-year-old US President is facing mounting calls to step aside after his disastrous debate performance on Thursday, with sources telling The Mail on Sunday that many believe he was purposely set up to fail.

A former aide to Hillary Clinton [there’s a dubious source] said: 'There has never been a debate this early before. Traditionally the debates are held after the Republican and Democratic conventions, which are in July and August.

They wanted to test him against Trump early, while there was still time to replace him if he failed to rise to the occasion. Which, of course, he did spectacularly.'

Another source said: 'The whole thing doesn't pass the smell test. Publicly the Democratic leadership has been backing Biden because they can't appear to be disloyal to the President, but privately there have been discussions going on for a long time that he's too old to beat Trump.

'There were whispers for weeks that 'Joe's going down at the debate'.'

One of the favourites to replace Biden – Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer, 52 – secretly sent an advance team to Washington DC 'weeks ago' to prepare for her possible presidential run.

The team has been 'on manoeuvres', meeting with Democratic officials. The source said: 'Gretchen was the first to act. Now the floodgates have been opened.'

Can the Dems ditch Biden and Kamal too? Not surprisingly, there are guesses on both sides: they can’t pass over and toss out a black(ish) woman, descendant of slave owners or not, currently serving as Vice President without igniting outrage in the base — “it’s her turn, damn it!”; other commentators, like Red State’s Jennifer Van Laar, say, “of course they can, and they’re already preparing to do so : “[W]here was Kamala on Thursday night? She wasn't even in Atlanta. She was at home in Los Angeles when she appeared on post-debate coverage with Anderson Cooper. But when Joe Biden was in Los Angeles, Kamala's new hometown, a few weeks ago for the largest fundraiser in Democrat party history, where was Kamala? She wasn't at the fundraiser and wasn't in Los Angeles.”

Meh — who knows? Maybe I’ll tune into Falia tomorrow and see what he’s predicting.

Alternatively, we could ask the nuns how they dealt with a troublesome female: