If, as Joe said in 2019, "Poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids", goldarnit, what could explain this?

chicago teachers on strike

Glenn Reynolds:

TO BE FAIR, THE POINT OF THE MONEY ISN’T EDUCATING STUDENTS, IT’S GRIFT AND GRAFT AND VOTE-BUYING, AND THAT PART HAS SUCCEEDED BRILLIANTLY: Chicago Teachers Union fails to turn $68K per student into even 1 academic win. “Douglass Academy High School spends the most per student compared to any other school in CPS, according to the Illinois State Board of Education’s 2023 Report Card. With that kind of spending, one would expect academic proficiency to soar, but that’s not the case. The most recent test data available shows no 11th grade students could read or perform math at grade level on the SAT in the 2021-2022 school year, and 86% of tested students scored in the lowest proficiency level for reading.”

Yet the parents of these children, in Chicago and around the country, continue to vote for the unholy alliance of politicians and teachers unions, continue to believer that their children can learn without parental supervision and guidance, if only the teachers and administrators in this system are paid some magic, if undiscovered-as-yet number of dollars.