Uh huh

(I’m aware of this morning’s dismissal of the Jack Smith case against Trump, and feel free to comment below, but the decision will go up on appeal to the 11th Circuit and from there to the Supreme Court before judgement is truly “final”, so I choose to look at an issue that’s here and now, instead.)

One story: DHS Secretary Who Insisted the Border Was Secure Claims Trump's Had 'Enhanced Security' for Weeks. Denies the claims (below) that any agents were switched to Jill protection.

And here’s the other: Secret Service resources were diverted from Trump rally and sent off to protect the President’s baby sitter

>>> But that's not the only problem with Trump's security detail that day. Another source at the Secret Service told Crabtree that Trump's usual protective detail has been overworked, with agents working seven days a week without days off. Due to the strain, many agents assigned to Trump's detail on Saturday were temporary replacements from different field offices, and there were only two snipers. 

[Well, three, if you count Mr. Crook — Ed]

“Trump has a permanent detail, however it’s much smaller in the amount of bodies,” the source explained. “His detail has been worked so hard with all the travel that they’re working 7 days a week with shift changes. so HQ sends in temp agents to supplement - not a good scenario. Mission Failure, IMHO.”

Only one agent from Trump's permanent security detail was reportedly present.

"The Pittsburgh USSS Field Office had a Jill Biden visit and designated a lot of resources to her." 

“That is f***ing unbelievable to me,” the source told Crabtree.

Who to believe? I’d say that the results speak for themselves.