Pending on Stepping Stone Lane

1 Stepping Stone Lane, current asking price $2.650, is reported pending, 31 days after going to contract (a time lag that’s perfectly normal). There was an early contract with a different buyer reported on April 3, but that must have fallen through, because the property was marked active again on April 17th with a new price of $2.8 million.

That jump was probably attributable to the first voyage on the sea of price discovery (Publius, I’m using the term these days just to annoy you) attracting several offers, with the accepted one being above the original ask of $2.650. It’d be logical to think that, if there was one buyer (or more) willing to pay in the $2.7-$2.750 range (I’m guessing at the dollar amount of those offers), there should be more. Sometimes that works out, sometimes, as happened here, it doesn’t.

On the other hand, as you’ll see from the history below, they would have been satisfied to get $2.150 million in 2021, so all appears to have worked out nicely for them