Posted in Taos a day ago, but it takes that long to get material through the Internet pipeline from New Mexico to here

A day late, but as relevant yesterday, and today, as it was back in 1972

From the Taos Tatler

Not really, Mr von Hoffman has been dead these six years, and is no longer well known, but he was most certainly well known 50 years ago when he got into huge trouble for his utterances on CBS Television over the collapsing presidency of Richard Nixon during the height, or depths, of the Watergate scandal. He was fired for them.

Von Hoffman, a leftist, but a very funny one, on a segment of CBS’s 60 Minutes program called “Point/Counterpoint,” which your Tatler saw, likened the soon-to-be-former President Nixon to a “dead mouse on the kitchen floor.”

But that’s not all he said. Read the rest and keep in mind our current president. Ask yourself if the words below might just apply to him and his administration.

“The question is who is going to pick [the mouse] up by the tail and drop it in the trash. At this point it makes no difference whether he resigns, thereby depositing himself in a sanitary container, or whether Congress scoops him up in the dustpan of impeachment. But as an urgent national health measure, we’ve got to get that decomposing political corpse out of the White House.”