Replacement theory

Tiny Irish Town Slated for Brutal Migrant Invasion

280 immigrants being crammed into a town of 165.

Just a few days ago I wrote about Springfield, Ohio, population 55,000, being swamped by the arrival of 20,000 Haitians. Ireland and its Green premier are determined to show Springfield how to do it properly.

Via Remix (emphasis added):

In a strategy seen in many Western countries, Ireland’s government is looking to move more and more migrants into the countryside, with one of the latest schemes focusing on shifting 280 asylum seekers to Dundrum, a village in Tipperary County with a population of only 165.

The move has sparked outrage from the local community, which is embroiled in controversy over the new refugee center. If all migrants are relocated as planned, their population would be 70 percent higher than the local population.

The government plans to convert the Dundrum House hotel into an accommodation complex that will house 280 migrants, with similar plans sparking widespread protests and riots in the Dublin suburb of Coolock just yesterday, with locals there setting fire to construction equipment and battling with police.

Dundrum residents have called for “common sense” in determining the scale of local accommodation plans. Local politicians are also enraged by the proposal, noting that the town does not have the resources or infrastructure to house so many new people, especially when local services are already stretched to their limit.

Independent city councilor Liam Browne said he was “dismayed” by the lack of communication with residents, while Fine Gael city councilor Declan Burgess described it as “deeply concerning” that the community is kept uninformed.

However, pro-immigration Integration Minister and new Green Party leader Roderic O’Gorman showed no signs of backing down. He said the Department of Integration plans to proceed with the accommodation at the Dundrum House hotel despite local protests.