They were willing to reelect a drooling incontinent, why not a per oson?*

AWFL Demands 'White Ladies' Vote for Kamala Because It's Up to White Women to Get a Black Woman Elected

In case you're wondering, AWFL is not a typo, it's an acronym and it means: Affluent White Female Liberal

And AWFLs as a rule are some of the most condescending, annoying, obnoxious women on the planet, especially when you catch them out in the wild saying something stupid like this:

Right? We're sure, 'Don't worry little black women, we leftist white women will make sure you get the job,' would play really well in Democrat circles. 

*The rule of bad puns is to not make one worse by trying to explain it, so I won’t, but those readers who remember their Crim Law 101 class and, perhaps, Willie Brown, will get this. And no doubt you’ll be sorry you did.