I promise not to post (much) on the Olympics; I haven't watched them since neighbor and friend Sandy Hamill's little sister Dodo won the skating medal in 1976, but, really?

“Why, it was nothing but an uncanny coincidence!”

The Taos Tatler has weighed in from his snowy retreat in the Sangre de Cristo mountains on the Olympic organization’s latest assault on decency and respect (spoiler alert: he was not amused), and in fact, I lifted the illustration for this post from him, but what really set my teeth on edge was this protestation of innocense from the men who put on this mockery:

Thomas Jolly, the artistic director of the opening ceremony, afterward drew attention away from "The Last Supper" references, saying that hadn’t been his intention.

"Our idea was inclusion," Jolly said during an International Olympic Committee media briefing. "Naturally, when we want to include everyone and not exclude anyone, questions are raised.

"Our subject was not to be subversive. We never wanted to be subversive. We wanted to talk about diversity. Diversity means being together," he added. "We wanted to include everyone, as simple as that. In France, we have freedom of creation, artistic freedom. We are lucky in France to live in a free country."

That’s absolute bullshit, of course, but his fellow heretic gives the game away:

Paris 2024 President Tony Estanguet also weighed in.

"We imagined a ceremony to show our values and our principles, so we gave a very committed message," he said. "The idea was to really trigger a reflection. We wanted to have a message as strong as possible.

"Having said that – it is a French ceremony for the French games – so we trusted our artistic director," Estanguet said. "We have freedom of expression in France, and we wanted to protect it."

“We wanted to trigger a ‘reflection’ to send “a message [fuck you, Christians] as strong as possible”. “We wanted to protect our freedom of expression”.

As has been pointed out by numerous commentators, these brave Olympians did not dare “trigger a reflection” or exercise their right of free speech by presenting Mohammed in drag, say, or stripping the burka off a Moslem virgin and having a naked creature painted blue simulate sex with the girl. No need to wonder why; they’d have triggered someting alright, but it wouldn’t have been something as harmless as a reflection.