Yes, there are still people who will fall for this, and they're almost certainly Kampallawalla worshippers as well

volunteer ballot box stuffers await the call

July 28, 2024:

San Fran Health Dept Wants You Wearing Masks in 'Crowded Spaces' Again

Charlie Brown football. Does anyone else remember when it was racist to even suspect that the WuHu Flu originated in the Chinese laboratory that was working to weaponize it? When the COVID shot was going to stop the disease in its tracks and prevent infection of the injectionee? When “two weeks to slow the spread” was used to shut down the world for months and imprison people in their homes (and in quarantine punishment pens in Australia and China)? When closing schools for a year would have no adverse effect on children because “kids are resilient”?

Here’s a sample of the bullshit that our health “authorities” were peddling back then, nostrums that they knew were useless, but promulgated anyway in order to cow the masses and keep them docile and submissive:

August 4, 2020:

Face shields, eye goggles advised to prevent COVID-19 spread

If you’ve seen a health care provider recently, you’ve probably noticed them wearing a face shield or eye goggles in addition to a mask. 

Do face or eye shields help reduce the spread of COVID-19 virus more than masks alone?

Absolutely, according to the top medical experts on the White House coronavirus task force, Anthony Fauci, MD, and Deborah Birx, MD.

Dr. Fauci: If you have an eye or face shield, use it

On July 29, Dr. Anthony Fauci, Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and leading expert on COVID-19 told ABC News that if you really want the best protection from the virus, all mucosal surfaces of the face should be shielded — that includes the surface of the eyes as well as the nose and mouth.

Dr. Fauci noted that though eye and face shields aren’t universally recommended at this time, “if you really want to be complete, you should probably use it if you can.”

Dr. Birx: Masks and face shields protect in different ways

The following day, on “Fox & Friends,” Dr. Deborah Birx, the White House coronavirus response coordinator, also recommended the use of face shields, explaining that masks and face or eye shields protect against the spread of COVID-19 in different ways.

She pointed out that masks are worn primarily to protect others, not the person wearing the mask. The mask reduces the spray of respiratory droplets from the mouth of a person who may not have symptoms of COVID-19 but is carrying the virus and can spread it among others.

On the other hand, eye goggles and face shields provide a physical barrier to protect the wearer from contracting the virus from others and the environment.

Face masks provide a second benefit as well, according to Dr. Birx: They may reduce how frequently a person touches their eyes and nose throughout the day, which also might help reduce the spread of the virus.

Use multiple defenses against COVID-19

While goggles and eye or face shields provide an added measure of protection against the spread of COVID-19, it’s important to diligently use multiple protective measures to stay as safe as possible.

These include frequent hand washing, frequent disinfection of surfaces (especially in the kitchen, bathrooms and other high-traffic areas in the home), wearing a clean mask in public, and following social distancing recommendations. [All of which were known to be useless]
