A break-even on Old [sic] Round Hill Lane?

5 Old Round Hill Lane (a small development built off the real Round Hill in 2003-2004), priced at $10.9 million, finally has a contract. The owners tried for $11.495 million in 2018 and had dropped that to $9.950 by the time they gave up in July 2021. They came back this past March at $11.9, dropped it to $10.9, and that seems to have done the job.

These same owners purchased it for $10.375 in 2013 and, depending on how much the 2019 “renovations” claimed in the current listing cost, they might just be breaking even here; minus commissions and other transaction cost, of course. My guess is that they’re losing money, just as their predecessor in title did; he paid $11,200,000 in 2006, when it was newly built and still sparkling in the dew.