I cancelled my subscription to the WSJ years ago precisely because they'd gone left in their reporting, but this is brazen, even for them

vermont royster left their building long ago

Fake News! WSJ CUTS Last Two Seconds of Trump Speech Video Clip and that Changed Everything

It's crazy how removing a few seconds of video from a clip can totally make someone look like they plan to be an unhinged dictator. Such is the case with the two seconds removed from the end of this Trump clip from this weekend.

The first clip makes it look like Trump is saying he plans to take away the right to vote. The second clip (the full clip) shows Trump was saying he would fix everything in the  next four years so people could go back to not worrying about politics so much.

Facebook is admitting that labeling the iconic photo of a blood-streaked Trump raising his fist in defiance after the attempt on his life as "misinformation" as "an error."

“Yes, this was an error,” Dani Lever of Meta wrote on X. Her post was in response to Charlie Kirk's observation that Facebook was not allowing users to share the photo, the New York Post reported.

“This fact check was initially applied to a doctored photo showing the secret service agents smiling, and in some cases our systems incorrectly applied that fact check to the real photo. This has been fixed and we apologize for the mistake.”

Uh huh.