Austere, religious scholar, vs global warming denier? No contest


The late Senator Inhofe was proud of his stand against the global warming hysterics, so he probably wouldn’t be at all displeased with this recognition of his resistance, but it’s a safe guess that the flying monkeys of the press who drafted headlines noting his passing didn’t intend to be complimentary.

*Mr. Baghdadi’s position on global warming was unclear, but he had other laudatory accomplishments:

As leader of IS, Baghdadi led the Islamic State's wars against Iraq and Syria. Baghdadi directed the use of controversial tactics, including the mass use of suicide bombings and the execution of prisoners of war. IS briefly captured substantial territory in Iraq and Syria, but lost all of that territory and almost all of its fighters during Baghdadi's tenure as caliph. Baghdadi would become directly involved in IS's atrocities and human rights violations. These include the genocide of Yazidis in Iraq, extensive sexual slavery, organized rape, floggings, and systematic executions. He directed terrorist activities and massacres. He embraced brutality as part of the organization's propaganda efforts, producing videos displaying sexual slavery and executions via hacking, stoning and burning.[14][15] Baghdadi was a serial rapist who kept several personal sex slaves.[16][17]

Any other killers out there worthy of glowing praise? Oh yes.